Wednesday, March 7, 2012


First of all, UPDATE ON MY HAIR! It's TOTES SO CuTe!!!!!! You wouldn't believe it! I just place the Bump-it right in the back and it makes my head look like an alien! I can't wait to try more Bump-it options! Everyone was STARING AT ME yesterday when I took Fortify to one of her glamour photo shoots (pics to come!)! Everyone was SO JEALOUS of my hair!!! I could see it in their eyes!

But it hasn't been ALL hair around here! I have been making the CUTEST CRAFTS EVER!!!!!!!! It's so amazing what you can do when you have some odds and ends sitting around (AND with a little talent, if I do say so myself!!!!). And so I have another HUGE announcement!!!!!!! While working on my parenting book, I'm also going to start posting the CUTEST pics ever of the CUTEST crafts I'm making in my home!!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THEM SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!! JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THEM! It's going to help so many of you mommies decorate your homes in a way that ISN'T SO EMBARRASSING!!! I've been to other mommies' homes AND BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU THAT THERE ARE SOME PROBLEMS OUT THERE! But you all know me---I don't judge! I just help!

So this first SO WAY CUTE craft is called "Bottle Doll" and it's SO EASY to make (and SO CuTe!!!! <3)! Alls you do is take a cute water bottle, and a can of tuna fish and a white napkin. Wrap the napkin around the can and draw a silly face on it. Then stuff it in the mouth of the water bottle. AND THAT'S SERIOUSLY IT!!!! I have put 70+ around my house! The only trouble is, it's hard to keep Aloe from playing with them! She keeps trying to teach them Hebrew, and I'm all like, "ALOE!!!! They're dolls for heavens SAKE!!!!" What we mommies go through! Nobody without kids know what a challenge life can be! I FEEL SO SO BAD FOR THEM!!!!

K! Make some and send me pics please (!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see how crafty my mommy friends are! AND I'll even send you a critique to help you improve! I'll even post your pics if I see any that are good enough!

~I make the cutest crafts EVER!


  1. You'd probably like the essay I wrote about the Relief Society combination Mother's Day macaroni necklace/food storage project. I agree, most of these goofy homemade crafts look terrible and are useless, but this might come across a bit harshly. The bottom line is, ladies try really, really hard to beautify their homes and feel useful while not spending any money if at all possible. I know you mean well, just like they do. :)

    1. Honey, you know me, I don't judge other mommies. Just helping them get some good ideas. If they're going to beautify their homes while not spending money, they can make it look nice, or as I've shown, CUTE!

  2. I think you should consider using a hot glue gun to glue hair on top of the doll's head. You could give it bump-it hair!!! So cute!

    1. SO CUTE!!! I can't believe I haven't tried that!

  3. You know what blog I miss.
    Your posts bring me a similar kind of joy.

    1. She was a great young mom just getting started out. I'm sure if her children were more well behaved and trendy, she'd still be around!

  4. Can you please re-post the step by step instructions with pictures? I'm really confused and I don't have a daughter like Fortify to help me figure this one out. I'm going to make these for all of my neighbor gifts for next Christmas (you know baby Jesus bottle dolls). I need to get started right away!

    1. I know it's sort of complicated. Not to worry though---I plan to start hosting CRAFT NIGHT SOON!!!!!!!!!

  5. Trudy the hom- maker-potato-pasta-beach-ready doll says bring on the competition. If Buck-buck was still alive she'd put us all to shame.

  6. *home...i'm so embarrassed!!

  7. Me and my friend want Aloe to teach us Hebrew! Were 14 and still only know English... Sad day, if only my mother cared about me as much as you care for you're kids

    1. We'll see. Aloe is very busy with her work at the UN right now.
